Monday, July 18, 2011

Summer Fun

I remember when summer was fun and relaxing. We went swimming all day or night, or all day and night. We got up when we wanted to. We went to San Diego for vacation for a week here and there. We went to the mall, summer concerts, etc…Yes, we did chores, but they didn’t absorb mass amounts of our free time. This, of course, was summer as child.

Summer as an adult is much different. Even though it’s summer, I still have to get up on time and go to work. I have to do chores that take up mass amounts of time (if I get behind on them). I don’t get to go swimming all day or all night (unless I've snuck away for the day and taken Q to SunSplash). Summer means: get everything done that can’t be scheduled during the school year. Currently, my big project is moving. Even though we're just going a few miles down the road, we have to pack everything like moving across three states. It's not fun, but we are looking forward to being in our new place. A townhouse. No one below us or above us, so I don't have to keep reminding Quentin to quiet down. Cute little backyard too! And a fireplace. But, my favorite thing about the new place is that it has dual master bedrooms! Yes, I finally get my own bathroom! I haven't had my own bathroom since...uh, I think it was back in 1994 when I had my own apartment for a while. Good grief!
The fun part about summer as an adult is getting to watch the kids enjoy summer as a child. Andrew and I took the boys to Disneyland for a few days last month.

We were able to get a great deal on a hotel that had a kid’s suite. Austin called it their “man cave”. Too funny! The suite included bunk beds for the kids. We were a little nervous that they’d fight over who got to sleep where, but Andrew and I ended up really impressed that they boys worked out their sleeping arrangements on their own. They’re solution was to take turns sleeping on the top bunk each night. It worked out great!

I am doing my best to make summers for Quentin similar to my summers as a child. He sleeps most of the morning. He gets to go to Grandma’s house off and on. Okay, it’s not in San Diego, but he loves Sonora and he’s still getting spoiled. He has chores, but they’re not overwhelming. Last summer we went to a couple of concerts, but this summer we haven’t seen any advertised that we felt we couldn’t miss.

For the weekend of July 4th Andrew and I went on a trip by ourselves. We “cruised” to Phoenix and Las Vegas. Good gravy, it was HOT! It was 119 degrees when we crossed the state line. We visited my Dad and Yvonne for a day. Andrew got Dad hooked on the Stupid Zombies game on his phone. 

We also got to visit with Andrew’s friend Jarrod and his fiancĂ© Debbiesue. They were great! I loved watching Andrew and Jarrod remind of each other of things they’d done when they were younger.

When we were done visiting we headed home, via Las Vegas.  We went to lunch at Serendipity 3, where the portions are ridiculously humongous! But, the drinks are spectacular! If you ever go, sit at the bar and ask if Juan is working. He’s awesome.

The Bellagio is as amazing as ever. Our room had a view of the lake and I swear I could sit by the window and stare at those fountains for hours on end. It’s a good think they’re only on every 30 minutes. LOL

Andrew was like a kid in a candy store at the Carroll Shelby Mustang Museum.

We got to sign the wall in the manufacturing area. The cars are unreal. I would really like to take this one for a spin!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


I love my job! One of our vendors lost a bet with my boss and as a result he got a pie in the face.

Here is the pre-pie picture.

Post-pie picture. :-)

But, it wasn't fun enough to just watch Scot get pie in the face...we had to eat pie too!

Pie, ice cream, cheesecake, chocolate tarts, and I don't know what else. Piepalooza!

Friday, May 27, 2011


Earlier in the year I watched a news story about a 5K walk/run event for charity. I remember doing one in L.A./Hollywood many years ago with Rob. Actually, that might have been a 10K. I don't remember, which is nothing new to me as of late.  What I do remember is that at the end of the walk we saw Jamie Lee Curtis! That was pretty cool.  And, that is the only time I have been to Hollywood.  Anyway, (please excuse my squirrel moment), I half-heartedly made completing a 5K a goal of mine for the year. 

A few weeks ago I stared the Weight Watchers program and low and behold they were advertising the Weight Watchers Walk-It Challenge 5K Walks! My half-hearted goal was thrown in my face every time I logged on to the website. So, I decided to do it.

I also suckered my friend Megan into doing it with me!

She was a good sport about it even though she did not like waking up so early on a Sunday morning. :-)

There were almost 700 people there!

Clearly, we did not finish first. But, we didn't finish last either. It was fun! Megan wants to do another one. She thinks we should run the next one. I think she's CRAZY!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Thoughtful Thursday

This past month has been interesting, stressful, exciting, disappointing, but still good.  Easter was spent at my Mom's house in the morning and then at Laura and Andy's house for lunch in the afternoon. 

Justin and Lily had a good time working together on the decorating.

Andrew and Austin were able to spend most of the holiday with us, which was great for me! The kids had a great time hunting eggs, especially the bonus plastic eggs that Mom put money in.

Chandel made the cutest egg of all and we named it Rockin' Robin.  Sadly, later he was part of the potato salad...Well, sad for Chandel due to the fact that she had grown attached to it, but yummy for me. :-)

The stressful and disappointing aspect of the past month come from me screwing up royally at work. I don't like making mistakes. I especially don't like making mistakes at work.  I was supposed to hold a conference call with four County Directors. No problem, I can handle it. I was completely prepared. Had my agenda prepared, had my notes template ready to go, had the conference call number all ready to go.  How could I possibley screw this up? Only one way. I FORGOT to make the call!!!! Pure stupidity. I'm thinking about going in for a brain scan. Seriously. I hope it's not a tumor.

The exciting part is that reservations have been made for our vacation with the boys next month. We still need to make some final decisions on some of the trip details, but I'm trying not to be such a "control freak" about those decisions right now. It's hard on me though.  I think they can wait a week, or maybe two. :-)

We finally received notification that Quentin was approved a transfer to another school district, so we'll be moving this summer. I do not like moving. I'm already thinking about what stuff I'm going to get rid of just so that I don't have to move it. It's not a big move...just a few miles away. We need to find a place that is within walking distance of the school because there is no school provided transportation thanks to the State budget.  I can't believe he is going to be in Junior High. He has changed so much in the last few months. It's difficult on both of us. Here is one of my pictures of him when he was a baby. I think he was 6 or 8 months old in this one. Now he is 12 1/2 and has acne! Uggghhh!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Monday Musings

1.  It is an absolutely gorgeous day outside and I wish I could go bask in the sunshine!

2.  I wish there were such a thing as a "How to Put Your DIRTY Laundry in the Clothes Hamper" training session for children. Really. Seriously.

3.  I smiled today when I saw my favorite flower (Ranuculus) for the first time of the season. I had to stop and take a picture, so I could see it again later. :-)

4.  I love that Quentin loves the Nook Color we bought this past weekend. I truly hope it helps him to concentrate on what he's reading and not how many pages are still remaining to be read. The first book he purchased electronically? "Doctor Proctor's Fart Powder" Yes, he is all boy!



Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Blog, What Blog?

Okay,, I've been slacking on the blogging. Sorry, but you can read about everything on Facebook! :-)

We've been very busy since my last post. We've celebrated Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, and Valentine's Day! Trust me when I say, we were truly thankful at Thaknsgiving; knew we were blessed at Christmas (and always); partied like parents with 9 and 12 year olds on New Year's Eve; and were very loved on Valentine's Day.

Summer vacations are rapidly approaching. We've got plans in the works and some of them could include any combination of the following: Phoenix, Disneyland, Sea World, Las Vegas, or who knows what...depending on funding and the general mood of all of those involved. Whatever the next few months bring, I know I'll enjoy it and I hope everyone else does too!