Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Woo Hoo! I now know what my plans for Labor Day Weekend are!

I'm cleaning out Quentin's bedroom! Why on Earth would I be excited about this? Because the boy has way to much "stuff"...aka crapola. He also has been complaining that he does not have enough room in his bedroom because his bed is too big. For those of you that have never seen his bed, it is a bunkbed that has shelves on both ends and has a cover that hangs over it. The cover is red and is decorated like a firetruck. (He doesn't have the cover over it right now though.) It is really very cool, but he is right that it is too big for his room. So, my friend Ann mentioned that she was looking at getting a new bed for one of her kids, but the one she wanted was so expensive she changed her mind. I offered to buy the one she would have to get rid of and that would help offset the cost of the new one. The one that she would have to get rid of is a trundle bed made of pine. This is exactly what I wanted to put in Quentin's room when I had the money to replace his bunkbed. She said OK! This was a few days ago... This morning she came in and said she had found a new bed and that she is GIVING me the old one! (Insert Woo Hoo SCORE!!! here.) The only down side is that my darling brother does not know that I'm about to call him and ask him to help me move beds! :-) I'll post pictures of the new bed when it is all set up. Have a great Labor Day Weekend everyone!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Soccer Saturdays

Okay, I thought I never wanted to be a "Soccer Mom." Turns out, I rather enjoy it. The Little Man's team (The Blue Sharks) is two games into the season and they won their first game and tied their second game. They were up by one in the second game then in the last five seconds of the game the other team scored and tied it up. Seriously! Not exaggerating about the five seconds. They played a great game! Here are a few pics...

Friday, August 24, 2007

San Francisco Trip

Here are some photos from our trip to San Francisco. The first is of Quentin in China Town. He couldn't help but try out the fans and the umbrellas. The second is the Palace of Fine Arts. The third is Quentin from behind with the Golden Gate Bridge in the background. I love how his hair looks against the bridge.

This one is for Mom...

Hi Mom,
I know how you love the trees and are missing them (and us). Here are some photos from Calaveras Big Trees for you. Love you!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

And so it Begins...

Today is Quentin's first day of school. He's a big 3rd Grader now. Last night when he was going to bed he said, "Wow, I can't believe I've made it this far, this fast!" Too cute! Here are pictures of him in his new school duds and also one of him with his new teacher...Mr. Strand. (He's also the wrestling coach, so I'm hoping he won't have too hard a time keeping the little man in line.)

Monday, August 20, 2007

In the Beginning...

Okay, so I've finally given in and started a blog. Aubrey made me do it! Peer pressure these days! JEEZ!!!!! Just kidding! She really did tell me to start one and here is the reason why. I sent her the email below and she thought the world (or the one or two people who might read this blog one day) should hear the story and see the picture. So, here it is:

This picture was taken in San Francisco at the Palace of Fine Arts on Thursday. The look on his face is so funny. When I saw it, I was laughing so hard I cried.

The story:

I told him to go stand by the plants along the water's edge so that I could take his picture. Surprisingly, he did what I asked (probably because there was water involved). When he got to the water's edge he of course had to inspect the water before he could pose for the picture. So when he turned around from his inspection I snapped this picture. Little did I know that he would be making this face! The reason for the face is the fact that there were two dead ducks floating in the water!!!!!!

P.S. No, I did not take a picture of the dead ducks. Surprised?