Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Sea World

Well, I'm finally getting around to posting some pictures from our trip to Sea World. These are all from the first day we went. I took the day off the second day and didn't even take the camera with me! Can you believe it?

First, is a picture of a baluga whale. They're so darn cute. When their mouths are closed they look like they're smiling.

Second, is a picture of a penguin that was loving being out in the sun. He stood there for a quite a while and did a lot of posing for the cameras.

Third, a walrus. Why are these poor creatures so ugly? They're so ugly they're kinda' cute. Except when they're being "manly" if you know what I mean. Then they are just GROSS!

Fourth, is Shamu and his trainer showing off. Doing what they do. I've got to say, I think it'd be pretty damn cool to fly off of a whale's nose.

Fifth, is the Soak Zone. I am so thankful that I have a Platinum membership and therefore get premium seating in Shamu Stadium. I refuse to sit in the Soak Zone, which is the complete lower half of the stadium!

Sunday, August 24, 2008


Well, this morning Quentin and I were supposed to meet Jeanne and we were all going to go on a great adventure. We were going to go on the zip lines at one of the local caverns! I was scared, but I was looking forward to it. Unfortunatley, we didn't get to go. Why? Because for the second time in five days we got locked out of the house while my car keys were still in it! Three years we've been living here and hadn't locked ourselves out of the house and now twice within a week! Da-dick-er-less I'm tellin' ya'!

We eventually ended up getting in the house. My brother helped us. In the process he broke one of the windows, which is why we didn't get to go. I stayed home and tried to get someone to come and fix the window. No such luck on a Sunday in a po-dunk town. I'm very bummed that we didn't get to go. Quentin on the other hand was fine with it. I kept apologizing and he said, "Mom, it's okay. I'm not mad. I was scared anyway." So, I'm guessing he would have chickened out once we got there.

When my brother broke the window he cut himself. Nothing bad, but it was bleeding. His daughter was crying and was really upset. I was holding her and telling it was okay. We asked her why she was so upset. She managed to tell us, between sobs, that she was crying because her daddy broke the window and she was going to tell her mommy! And she did just as soon as she saw her!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Wordless Wednesday: Nest

1st Day of School

Wow, my little man is a big 4th Grader as of today! And to make it worse, he's going to be 10 years old in less than a month! Oy vey, I'm getting old...

Anyhow, I took him to school this morning and met his new teacher. She seems very nice. He said that he likes her and he believes that he's going to have a good year. He's chosen not to participate in band this year. I've got to say I'm a little relieved. He keeps us busy enough as it is with his sports endeavors.

Only one of his friends is in his class this year. There are a few kids that I'm more than excited about not being in his class! Isn't that terrible of me?! Too bad! They were mean and disruptive and the school did nothing about it. Of course, now if Quentin does get into trouble I'll know that it really is his fault and I'll be dealing with that. But, that's okay. I've got faith in the boy!

Here's his first day of school picture. Isn't he handsome?! I just love him...even if he did lock us out of the house this morning.

After school he had a doctor appointment. The doctor says that we should keep on with the current treatment. They think it'll work if it is done consistently. Which it is when he's home. We go back in six weeks and in the mean time the doctor is going to do some research on the laser treatment options. She doesn't think it's a good idea for kids, but she's going to look into it. Also, we had to take a trip to the lab and get a blood test done. They are going to look at his white and red blood cell counts and make sure everything is okay. They're thinking that if his blood levels aren't where they're supposed to be then that could be contributing to the warts not going away. Anyone that knows Quentin knows that the boy does NOT like going to the doctor and anything having to do with needles is 50 times worse than just a regular doctor appointment! So, by the time we got to the lab he was really upset and by the time we got out of the lab he was darn near hyperventilating. What a day! But, I guess that's what I get for "taking the easy way out"! That's a lovely quote from his father. Today was Quentin's 13th doctor appointment. That's not the easy way out...I don't care who you are!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Armadillos & Alligators

We spent a day at the San Diego Zoo while we were on vacation. Our mission was to find an armadillo. The weird little creature is Quentin's favorite animal right now. We asked around a bit and found out that the children's area had an armadillo. We walked around the whole children's zoo (with my new found stalker in tow, but that's another blog) and could not find the darned little thing. So, I sent Quentin into the petting zoo area to ask one of the zookeepers. He came back and said that they are not on exhibit but someone would bring one out later. I was a little confused so I asked the man myself. He informed us that the armadillos are not on exhibit right now because they just had babies. However, if we needed to study them for a school report then he could take us to the VIP area and let us see and pet the armadillo! Of course it's for school! Wink, wink! ;-)
Here are a few pictures of Quentin petting Armando the armadillo.

John the zookeeper was a very nice man. You could tell that he really liked being around the animals and sharing them with the people. After we all got to pet the armadillo John decided that he had enough time to share one more animal with us. This time it turned out to be Aubrey's favorite animal. It was a 3-foot alligator! Aub was so excited! I must say that it was pretty darn cool to pet these types of animals. I mean it's not somethin' regular folk get to do on a day to day basis. Ya' know!?

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Go Chargers!!

Yes! The Chargers KICK ASS!!!!!! I mean butt! And speaking of asses...I mean butts :-)

Oh yeah, that one is for the ladies. There's nothing like an NFL uniform. It's a beautiful thing I tell ya'!

Okay, okay...The Chargers beat the Cowboys in their 2008 Pre-season opener. The score was 31-17! A few of Quentin's players did not make appearances, but others did. Antonio Gates and LaDanian Tomlinson did not play. Philip Rivers and Quentin Jammer did play though and they did a great job. The second string QB was pretty impressive too! His name is Billy Volek.

Here we are getting ready to leave for the game. Quentin's Philip Rivers jersey got left at his dad's house and he had been wanting a new one anyway so we bought him a new Antonio Gates jersey. Addis bought a Shawn Merriman jersey and I'm wearing the Merriman jersey that I bought for Justin (because I'm a cool sister like that).

Uncle Jeff bought the boys #1 Fan fingers. Quentin wants one of these things every time we go to a sporting event and I had never given in and bought him one. He was so happy that Uncle Jeff surprised him with one! And, it came in handy since the Chargers kicked butt!

It was the first live NFL game for both Addis and Quentin and so we decided to take the truck and do a little tailgating rather than take the San Diego Trolley. Tailgating requires playing catch so we bought a Nerf football for the boys.

Here's Addis doing a little quick hand work with the ball:

And of course a few beers are a requirement for the adults! Here's Jeff doing the honors:

Here is Darren Sproles doing his victory stance rather than a victory dance after his touchdown.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Hello, My name is Jennifer and I'm a sports nut.

August equals the beginning of a new NFL season. I've watched two games so far (on my new fancy dancy large screen TV). I think I need to get HD, but it still looks great without it! However, Saturday night I'll be watching the NFL live and in person! Woo Hoo I can't stinkin' wait! The Chargers and the Cowboys! Go CHARGERS!!! When I told Quentin that I bought tickets he was so happy he cried.
Q is visiting his dad this week and last Saturday the Chargers held their Fan Appreciation Day. Rob took Quentin and even though I haven't talked to him I'm sure he's having a wonderful time! I downloaded some pictures from Rob's webpage.

Here he is getting some autographs (I believe that's line backer Tim Dobbins signing):

Here he is having a blast at Universal Studios. Isn't he the cutest?! I love this photo!