Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Spreading the Cookie Love

Hi Everyone! You know how people get on the news because they made a grilled cheese sandwich and Jesus or Mother Theresa appears on it? Well, since it's February and Valentine's Day and all that mushy stuff, do you think that I could get on the news with my heart shaped cookie? No? I think it's a pretty cool fluke that I would find a heart shaped cookie in my 100 calorie pack during the month of love. Is it a sign? Am I going to fall deeply and madly in love with someone today? Tomorrow?

Here's my 100-Calorie pack of cookies. I opened it up and grabbed a cookie. Not looking for anything special...just a little dry chocolate chip cookie.

Here's the first cookie I pulled out of the little bag. It's a heart! Isn't it cute?!

By the way, no I do not believe or even hope that I'm going to fall deeply and madly in love any time soon.

I just thought it was one cool cookie! Spread the cookie love people. Spread the cookie love.


Jeanne said...

I definitely think it's a sign! Love is coming your way!

Aubrey Harns said...

Cool cookie Jenn!!! That's awesome.

Ginny said...

I think it is a sign also. Cuz you know who is praying for some perfect for you man to come along. Watch out, my prayers have really been awesomely answered lately.