Friday, February 1, 2008

What Makes my Little Boy Tick...

At this point in time it's electronics. He is totally in to all of the little gadgets he can get his hands on. Here's what he's got so far: Zune, PS2, GameBoy Advance, Wii, another little MP3 player, Polaroid LCD TV, RoboQuad, Portable DVD player, RoboSapien, and the latest addition to his collection is a new limited edition Daxter PSP.

The PSP was purchased last night. It was quite the ordeal. It all started in September. His father wanted to get him a PSP (Portable Sony Playstation). I didn't think it was a good idea since he already had a GameBoy, PS2 and was getting a Wii. So, we all agreed that four video game systems were not necessary and Rob ended up getting him the LCD TV instead. Fast forward to Christmas. Quentin received some cash as Christmas gifts and he decided that he was going to save it up until he had enough to buy either a Nintendo DS or a PSP. He couldn't decide which one he wanted. I told him that even though I still thought he didn't need four systems it was his money and if he saved enough he could buy it.
This past Wednesday he had to go to the doctor for the third time to get some warts removed. The doctor has been freezing them and trust me, it hurts like a son of a B$>@!. He's been such a brave boy by letting them do this to him. This last treatment was extremely painful for him though, because they used a scalpel to cut off the top of the warts because that part of it was dead skin. In doing this it exposed very sensititve new skin. After using the scalpel, the doctor proceeded to do the freezing. Quentin calls it the frostbite stuff. The poor little guy was in so much pain I could hardly stand it! I can't imagine how much it truly hurt him. The doctor was afraid he was going to pass out because his breathing was so labored. Anyway, we made it through the appointment and then had to run to GameStop to buy a birthday present for one of his friends.

While we were there I saw boxes for used PSPs. I decided to pay the difference in cost from the money he had saved and what the used system cost and let him get one. He was so excited he kept giving me hugs and saying he couldn't believe the day had finally come when he would get a PSP. It was very sweet. I let him pick a used game and we went to the counter to pay for the used game and the birthday present game and asked for a used PSP. At this point the clerk tells us that they don't have ANY used PSPs. Quentin was more than a little heartbroken. The boy was down right devestated. He'd just had trauma at the doctor's office and now THIS! The clerk was very nice and called another store and asked if they would ship a used PSP to the Sonora store. They had some and said they would. It would arrive Friday or Saturday. This picked up Quentin's spirits a little bit. He was still a little leary of the whole situation.

Yesterday morning Aubrey called and asked how the doctor's appointment had gone. I told her everything that happened and she decided that a used system was not okay. The boy needs a new one she said. So, being the most awesome Auntie Aub that she is, she said she was putting money in my account and to go and buy Quentin a new PSP!

Sorry for the novel! Here are pictures of Quentin and his new PSP.

The first one is his reaction to me telling him we're getting a PSP.

The second one is his reaction to me telling him that Auntie Aub is paying the difference. Notice the wide eyes.

The third one is his true reaction when it all finally sank in. He didn't know whether to laugh or cry! I absolutely love the pure joy of this photo.

The fourth is him at the store with his new system in hand. I call it "I Got the Motts"! Aub knows why... :-)

The fifth is a picture of him at 6:30 this morning playing his new system, because it had to charge overnight and he didn't get to play it last night.


Ginny said...

This has totally brought tears to my eyes and I am at work. How will I explain that??? What a wonderful story. I cried with the doctors appt, smiled with the used PSP and cryed again with Auntie Aub and the new PSP. Thanks for making my day. Tell Quentin I am praying for him. Mom

Aubrey Harns said...

What a story Jenn! I'm so happy I was able to be part of the happy section! I love you guys both so much.
Blessed Auntie Aub