Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Take Me Out to the Ballgame

I love sports! I can’t play them worth a damn, but I love being a spectator. Attending an event is even more exciting than watching it on TV of course. My favorite is football, but baseball is a close second, followed by boxing, tennis, hockey, NASCAR, basketball, etc.

Sunday morning Andrew surprised me and invited Quentin and I to go to the Ports baseball game with him and Austin. He got us excellent seats in the first row, right behind the home team dugout.

In between innings there are silly competitions that the fans can participate in. Andrew and Austin got picked to participate in one at a game last season. I would have liked to have seen that! The announcer kept walking by our seats and Andrew got his attention once and told him that it was my first Ports game and that if they were going to do the dance competition I should be picked to participate. I couldn’t believe my ears! I know my eyes were as big as golf balls behind my sunglasses. I kept shaking my head no and waving my hands so the guy would know that I was not at all interested in dancing in front of a stadium full of people. Okay, it’s a small stadium, but that matters not. I DO NOT dance in public…unless there has been a liberal amount of alcohol consumed beforehand. And I mean consumed by everyone, not just me. Luckily, the announcer was on my side and we happened to take the kids to walk around the park during the time that they did the dance competition. The participants ended up being a father and son and they both did break dancing. As for my dear Andrew’s consequences for even suggesting the idea, I haven’t decided as of yet. But, it will be good.

It was a really good game. Unfortunately, Stockton lost to Visalia by one run. We all thought they were going to make a comeback in the last inning. The tying run was on base with no outs. After a couple fly balls to the outfield and the runner getting caught between bases, it was all over. Three outs and no tying run. :0(

We paid for the boys to join the Kid’s Club, so they got a t-shirt and they got to run the bases after the game. Quentin had to be a show-off and run as fast as he could, which ended up upsetting his stomach because of all of the Nerds he ate during the last inning.

A great time was had by all!

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