Thursday, December 17, 2009

C-IV Holidays

Okay, these people know how to party! Here is a copy of an email that my boss sent out this afternoon:

This is my favorite time of year here at C-IV, it is the only place I know of (besides my mother’s house) where you can consume 10,000 calories before noon and someone will say to you with a straight face “what are you doing for lunch?”. This is also a place that runs on its collective appetite, where you can almost set your clock by the activities and traffic flow into and out of the break room, or should I say C-IV café (thank you Grace!).

Ø 7:30 – 8:00 a.m. – Check to see who picked fruit or baked the night before;
Ø 7:55 – 8:22 - Line at the coffee pots due to the two containers of French roast being empty (does anyone else vote that we turn the decaf container into an espresso pot?);
Ø 8:47 – 9:32 – Did anyone put out any pastries donuts or cookies following their morning meeting?
Ø Fridays only – It’s 9:32….. no pastries or cookies in the break room?...... Oh yeah it’s Friday…. the Tech Team brought in Breakfast.
Ø 12:02 – 1:37 p.m. – What committee, workgroup, trainings or brown bag sessions didn’t finish their sandwiches, pasta, pizza, chicken etc? Remember first come first serve, if you wait for the email you are too late.
Ø 2:16 – 3:52 – “Who had a birthday?..... I don’t know why do you ask? Well there is pie, cookies, ice cream and cake in the break room”.
Ø 5:17 – 11:30 p.m. – Did anyone stay late and order dinner?
Ø 11:31 – 7:29 a.m. – It’s pretty quiet in the break room…….hey maybe it’s a cut over or mock conversion weekend and we can get a snack over at the Conversion Team’s area?

That's my boss. He's a crack up! It’s no joke though. There is constantly food here and there is LOTS of food if there is an event going on.

Today, we had our Holiday Potluck. (This is the 3rd party of the week for me.) We set up for 160 people and I believe there were closer to 200. Guess what! There is still a ton of leftovers! Turkey, ham, stuffing, chips, queso dip, bread, potatoes of all kinds, collard greens, rice, sushi (really), some dishes I don’t know the names of because they're from foreign countries, dessert, etc… You name it, we’ve eaten it this week. I’m about to burst. It’s not going to be pretty people.

Halloween is also a huge event here. Here are some of my favorite characters from my first Halloween here:

Boy Scout Cory and Man Bear Pig in front of the cave:

PMO (Project Management Office) as the 7 Deadly Sins. Oh, by the way Barbi and Jeanne, Wrath is the Deadly Sin we couldn’t think of the other day at lunch:

Cowgirl Karen


PacMan & The Mrs.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving and Stuff :-)

Yes, I know that lately I suck at blogging. Sorry!

Okay, here goes...

Thanksgiving in San Diego was fun. I loved seeing my family and Quentin was really happy to see his Dad. But, with as much fun as we were having we ended up having to come home a day early because I got sick. Quentin had a cold earlier in the week and at first I just thought I'd caught his cold, but I took a turn for the worse and ended up with Bronchitis. Yuck! Time off from my new job, antibiotics, Robitussin with Codien, and an inhaler later I'm back to normal. As normal as can be for me anyway. I think what made it worse was the sitting out in the cold at the Day After Thanksgiving sales. I'm seriously considering not doing it next year.
Christmas is quickly approaching and all of the parties have begun. I was going to go to Gregory's Christmas Party this past weekend, but he cancelled it due to weather. It made me very sad. I was really looking forward to seeing everyone. I did get to go to lunch with Barbi and Jeanne though and as usual they cracked me up. I've posted a picture of us and I'm sure it's going to make Jeanne mad. I think she looks cute, but she seems to think she looks like a linebacker. I miss you guys and your daily antics. Quentin went to a party while we were there. He informed me that he only ate two cookies. I was impressed. Then, after a long pause, he added the fact that he ate about 10 little brownies! But, he said don't worry because he didn't eat them all at once. He let some settle and then he had more! Well, at least he knows how to pace himself. This week there are a few parties at work and last week my boss took about 20 of us out to dinner. I'm sure that by the end of the season I'll be partied out.

Andrew and I went to dinner at the Peppery and it was surprisingly good. And, even more surprising was the fact that it was somewhat quiet! It's always so loud in that place. We also went to a movie. We saw the new Sandra Bullock movie, The Blind Side. It's based on a true story about a man named Michael Oher (I don't know if I spelled that right). He went from being basically homeless when he was young to being a current player in the NFL. It is a wonderful movie! Sandra Bullock did a great job. Tim McGraw plays the role of her husband and he didn't do too bad either.
Have I mentioned how sweet Andrew is? I forgot to bring my hair dryer with me when I went to visit and he got up Sunday morning and drove to Wal-Mart and bought me a hair dryer while I was in the shower. It could possibly have been because he was hungry and I wouldn't go out to breakfast looking like a mess with shower hair, but whatever the reason, it was nice of him and I appreciated it. (He's probably not going to appreciate that blog post.) ;-)

Here's a random fact for the end of my post. I love football season for many reasons, but this year I love it a lot because Quentin says "thumble" instead of "fumble". Isn't it cute?! I know I should correct him, but I love it when he says it.