Thursday, September 11, 2008

September 11th

Today marks the 7th Anniversary of the September 11th attacks on the U.S. I had Quentin wear his USA t-shirt today. When I told him to put it on this morning he asked why. I said, "Because it is September 11th." He said, "So."

I had to remind myself that he was two years old at the time of the attacks. I explained to him what had happened on that day seven years ago and I had him watch a little bit of the news with me so that he could see that it was a very significant day in American history.

Here's a photo I took of him this evening:


Aubrey Harns said...

I know we'll never forget. It's important to remember and "stay diligent" watching out for each other. He sure looks cute in his T-shirt!
Love ya,

Ginny said...

Great picture Jenn. I will never forget that day. Thanks for let him know what a great country we live in. Mom