Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Sayonara Sonora

All righty then...this is my last post from Sonora. It's on to the big city as of tomorrow. I've got to say that so far I'm holding it together pretty well. Yesterday, Barbi asked me if I was going to cry today. I told her I was determined NOT to cry anymore! I've had enough of it. She asked if she could cry instead. What a good friend! She bought me breakfast this morning. Yummy!

I will really miss all of my Tuolumne County friends and family. You all mean a lot to Quentin and I. I hope you keep in touch!

Here is a picture Jean-NAY took of me a year or two ago. See how hard I'm working? :-)

Take care everyone!


Barbi said...

Okay, now I am going to cry. I am going to miss you bunches, Jenn. I hope you have exciting adventures in the city!

Jeanne said...

Sniff, sniff. I'm not going to say goodbye Jenn, just "see you later." Alligator! I hope you have wonderful adventures in "the big city." It's just not the same around here without you and Kelley. (And my ass hurts from sitting and working so much! No lie.) Keep posting so we can hear all about your adventures!