Wednesday, December 24, 2008

A Turkey Tale, Part 1

Okay, turkeys are GROSS! I never want to cook one again. I mean you have to get all that goo out of the inside of the turkey and rinse it. And then you have "rub" seasonings and whatnot all over it. What the hell are all of those extra parts anyway?! I seriously almost threw up. I had to go next door and get Chandel to help me. I know I'm a wuss, but you know what? I'm OKAY with it!

I mean look at this! Is that a head or an ass? For some people it's the same thing, but I don't think so in this case.

Here's the bird all ready to go into the oven.

Stay tuned for part 2 of the storey to see if the bird was actually edible or if we had to go to Chinese Food and sing Fa Ra Ra Ra for our Christmas dinner!

1 comment:

Jeanne said...

Fa Ra Ra Ra Ra? Nice Chinese impersonation! Glad your turkey turned out well, and I hope Santa was good to you.