Sunday, October 19, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

Today Quentin and I went to the Dell Oso Farms pumpkin patch with Justin, Chandel and Lily. It's quite a drive from our place, but it really is worth it. They have tons of pumpkins, hay rides, a haunted house, a huge corn maze, hay mazes for the kids, pony rides, and best of all...pumpkin blasters! It was our first trip in the new truck. I so completely love it! I'm so glad that I exchanged the last one "like it was a shirt" to quote Miss. Jeanne.

We didn't do the corn maze because there were so many people in line and last year according to Quentin, "it made his butt sweat". No kidding! That's what the kid said! We did do the pumpkin blasters though and oh man are those things cool.

They set us up with blaster #14! Aub can you believe it?! How funny is that? I took a picture just for you. :-) A lot of you out there are probably wondering what the big deal with the #14 is...well, that's another blog on another day.

Isn't Lily the cutest? This was taken at the end of the day and she was pretty much done with the whole trip.

She just loves "her buddy".

I love this picture of Justin, Quentin and Lily.

Here's one of me looking rather large. Jeesh! I've got to quit eating! I promise I will just as soon as I finish the goodies from the Columbia Candy Kitchen gift box that I won in the raffle at Cajun Fest!

And here is the Seel Family. Lily was not being very cooperative with the picture taking so I made Quentin stand in front of me and I tickled him...that made Lily laugh and I got a shot of her smiling.


Aubrey Harns said...

Thanks Jenn for that "14" shot - totally made me LAUGH! Your new truck is so pretty. Glad I'm getting to see bro's fam too - never get to!
Love ya!

Ginny said...

Thanks for sharing the day with me Jenn. I just love this. I miss getting to go with the kids to the Pumpkin Patch. This way I get to be there too. Oh yeah, nice truck! Mom

Jeanne said...

Yeah, that butt sweat is pretty gnarly. Can't have that happening!
By the way, you don't look big. Just your boobs do, and Jenn, like I always say, "Shake what your Mama gave 'ya!"